Urbana-Champaign campus personnel interested in STEM education. This directory is intended to foster collaboration in grant-writing, outreach projects, evaluation, and other areas.
This plasma fractal was created by Orion Lawlor as a doctoral student in Computer Science at Illinois. |
Bill Hammack Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
I-STEM Goal Affiliation: |
1. P-16 STEM Education Outreach |
Videos & Radio commentaries on engineering. My radio work is used by a number of K-12 teachers. I have started a new video-based project and would like to build K-12 outreach into it from the beginning. |
Barbara Hug Curriculum and Instruction |
I-STEM Goal Affiliation: |
1. P-16 STEM Education Outreach |
Project(s): Project NEURON, MSP: Sense-Making I am interested in the design and use of innovative learning environments that support teachers and students in the learning of key science concepts. I work to link basic science research with the science taught in K-12 science classrooms. |