A Mid-GLAM camper tests her team's toothpick/gumdrop structure. Mid-GLAM is one of the many camps available at Illinois during the summer.


I-STEM Campus Affiliates Directory

Urbana-Champaign campus personnel interested in STEM education. This directory is intended to foster collaboration in grant-writing, outreach projects, evaluation, and other areas

I-STEM Magazine

I-STEM's publications feature selected stories that were featured on the I-STEM website for each year. The stories contained in the magazine highlight how cutting-edge research innovations on our campus successfully transferred to STEM Education initiatives to increase and diversify students’ interests in STEM projects, possibly recruiting them into STEM careers.

I-STEM Summer Camp Magazine

This brand-new publication features stories that were featured on the I-STEM website about I-STEM's new summer camp, an outeach for 27 Urbana High School (UHS) athletes. The stories contained in the magazine highlight innovative hands-on activities, tours, or demonstrations 10 campus units, departments, or organizations conducted during the summer camp to familiarize the high school students with cutting-edge research innovations taking place on our campus. The goal of this STEM Education initiative was to increase and diversify students’ interests in STEM. (Note, this file has been optimized to decrease the size and provide quicker download speeds. A higher resolution copy for printing may be obtained by contacting I-STEM.)

I-STEM-NEWS Listserv

I-STEM's listserv provides subscribers with information about current STEM education news articles and upcoming STEM education opportunities, such as deadline dates and funding information from funders, seminars, and other STEM-education-related events, such as professional development opportunities.

To subscribe to I-STEM-NEWS, log in to the lists website and search lists for i-stem-news and click Subscribe, or send an email to: lists@lists.illinois.edu. In the subject line of your message, type in the information in the following parentheses (subscribe i-stem-news your- first-name your-last-name). Leave the message body blank.