SIIP Projects

Department Courses Project Description
Civil and Environmental Engineering CEE201
Addressing core courses serving 500, mostly sophomore students, this project will develop new content; increase students’ ability to communicate technical matters; develop new pedagogical approaches, including novel technology-based instructional tools, exercises, and interactive self-learning tools that provide immediate feedback and self-assessment; use cooperative student learning groups; enable self-paced learning for students with different initial preparation; and develop simulation models and online learning resources.
Computer Science CS173
This project will develop infrastructure to track and identify struggling students and provide opportunities for remediation; develop activities that help students without strong math backgrounds develop skills; invert classrooms (i.e., shift materials from lectures to active learning activities); have students review material before coming to class; and increase the amount of and provide quicker staff/peer feedback on work.
Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE110
Create “the best core computer engineering sequence in the world,” both in content and pedagogy; this is the lofty goal of professors who teach large computer hardware/software courses. This would involve:
1) content revision; 2) course reorganization via spreading content over semesters and decoupling computing and electrical core topics;
3) pedagogy improvements (i.e., integrating examples from relevant research, a library of mini lectures, online tutors, fostering community, peer-led team learning, and integrating technology (smart phones/autonomous robots); and finally, 4) assessment.
Mechanical Science and Engineering TAM210/211
Sophomore TAM classes serve over 2000 students from many engineering departments and provide foundational mechanics material. The project will incorporate team-based instruction; engaging lectures, incorporating technology and in-class activities; an on-line learning cloud, with pre-lectures, online homework, smart-phone apps; a student community of learning, including teamwork and mentoring; enhanced TA involvement and training; assessment tools and feedback; and sustained faculty participation.
Physics Phys211
This project will address students’ “inability to accurately estimate their own performance on tests (even after taking them), [which] leads students to overconfidence, under-preparation, and poor performance, [and thus] poor retention in the STEM disciplines.” To achieve this, the project will 1) develop a test diagnostic tool that predicts students’ test performance prior to taking real course tests; and 2) use the info to develop interventions to improve students’ physics understanding and problem-solving skills.