Discipline |
Organization Name |
Target Age Group |
Activity Summary |
ACES Family Academies |
K-6 |
The College of ACES Alumni Association hosts the ACES Family Academies program every year. Alumni are invited to bring youth ages 8-13 years old to campus for a 2-day educational experience while spending time together on the University of Illinois and College of ACES campus. Participants will enjoy the college experience living in a residence hall, eating in the dining facilities, and participating in educational classes on the College of ACES campus. The program gives participants an opportunity to relieve and share their college days a as well as create new memories with their little Illini.
Website — Contact: acesalumni@illinois.edu — Articles |
Aerospace Engineering |
Illinois Space Society |
9-12 |
The society’s largest engineering outreach day is Illinois Space Day, held in the fall, where a variety of elementary and middle school students are invited to visit campus and experience space-related exhibits.
Website — Contact: ssg3@illinois.edu |
Illinois Aerospace Institute (IAI) |
9-12 |
The Illinois Aerospace Institute summer camp is a one-week residential program for students entering grades 9-12 who are interested in learning about the fields of aerospace engineering and aviation.
Website — Contact: il-aero-inst@illinois.edu |
Illini Aerospace Outreach (IAO) |
K-12 |
Illini Aerospace Outreach creates and uses outreach opportunities that are created in conjunction with the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and corporate sponsors to teach students in the Champaign-Urbana area about Aerospace Engineering. IAO’s goal is also to connect outreach opportunities created by the numerous Aerospace Engineering clubs at the University so that they can be more accessible to educators.
Website — Contact: aero-outreach@illinois.edu — Articles |
Bioengineering |
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) |
7-12 |
The BMES Outreach Committee hopes to both intrigue and educate students and community members about the exciting advancements and opportunities in the biotech and healthcare industries, as well as STEM careers overall. The accomplish this through large-scale outreach events, classroom visits, and partnerships with other groups. Additionally, the committee hopes to give back to the community through fundraising and volunteer efforts.
Website — Contact: joychen@illinois.edu — Articles |
Biophysics |
Illinois Biophysics Society |
The Illinois Biophysics Society (IBS) is a student run organization comprised of Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology graduate students whose mission is to improve the lifestyle, educational experience, and future career opportunities of biophysics peers.
Website — Contact: aarango2@illinois.edu |
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
Brady STEM Academy |
K-6 |
St. Elmo Brady STEM Academy brings together underrepresented youth and exposes, engages, and empowers them to become the next generation of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. The goals of the academy are to expose students to STEM, increase student awareness of the practicality of STEM; incorporate Next Generation Science Standards into program curriculum; partner with community leaders, Illinois faculty, staff and students, and the Champaign Unit 4 School District to provide quality programming, foster father-son and/or mentor-mentee relationships through STEM, improve student attitudes toward STEM, and promote cooperative learning and critical thinking skills. Website — Contact: jgamez@illinois.edu — Articles |
Chemistry |
Bonding With Chemistry |
5-7 |
A free day camp for girls organized by WCC every summer to expose middle school girls to chemistry and sciences in the laboratory and in every-day life. In the past, this hands-on camp has included topics such as electrochemistry, art chemistry, chemistry of the earth, chemistry in cooking, polymers, and more! In addition to participating in various chemistry-related activities and experiments throughout the day, the girls are also taught how to make scientific observations and follow experimental procedures in their designated laboratory notebooks. Led by current graduate students and faculty, the event is all about playing and learning in chemistry, in an attempt to encourage 5th-7th grade girls to become excited about chemistry!
Website — Contact: uiuc.wcc@gmail.com |
K-8 |
The REACT Outreach Program began in Fall 2002. It has grown into the largest outreach program of its kind at UIUC and perhaps in the U.S. Each semester, the program visits every local school within a 30 mile radius of campus to work with third grade youngsters in hands-on activities in chemistry. The program also performs demonstration shows and visits local after-school facilities.
Website — Contact: thereactprogram@gmail.com — Articles |
Women Chemists Committee (WCC) |
The ACS East Central Illinois Women Chemists Committee was founded in the fall of 2005 to promote the development of women in the chemical sciences. With the support of its local ACS chapter and the Illinois Department of Chemistry, they have planned events that include professional and social opportunities that benefit graduate students, faculty, staff, undergraduates, and P-12 students.
Website — Contact: uiuc.wcc@gmail.com |
Computer Science |
ChicTech |
8-12 |
The annual ChicTech Retreat is part of WCS’s outreach effort to inspire girls to pursue an education in computer science! This retreat invites nearly seventy-five high school girls to stay overnight on campus and get a taste of the different opportunities in computer science. Over the course of the retreat, each participant will work on an individual project that she can showcase at the closing ceremony. The girls will also get to participate in fun activities such as a campus scavenger hunt, computer science trivia, and Q&A with current undergraduate students.
Website — Contact: contact@illinoiswcs.org — Article |
CS@Illinois Sail |
8-12 |
Sail is a one-day event held at the Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science. Participants learn more about life at Illinois through classes taught by current students on topics ranging from Machine Learning to The Science of Bitcoin to Texas Hold'em Techniques.
Website — Contact: cs-sail@lists.cs.illinois.edu — Articles |
GEMS (Girls Engaged in Math & Science) Camp |
6-12 |
GEMS camp provides an action-packed week of coding, group project work, field trips, problem solving, and social networking with peers. Participants are inspired to consider computing as a course of future study as they learn and interact with dynamic CS women undergraduate mentors/instructors. Gems Camp is offered weekly over the summer from mid-June through the end of July. Website — Contact: admin@cs.illinois.edu — Articles |
Women in Computer Science (WCS) |
Women in Computer Science (WCS) is a non-profit, educational student group under Illinois’ Computer Science Department. The organization is dedicated to supporting the efforts of young women who are pursuing a career in computer science or show an overall interest in technology. Because the number of women pursuing Computer Science has been steadily decreasing, the organization aims to retain and provide a network of support for members to rely on for advice and camaraderie. Website — Contact: contact@illinoiswcs.org |
Dietetics |
NutrImpact |
An organization founded in September 2012 at Illinois, NutrImpact seeks to be the bridge between professionals and students working towards their career in the field of Dietetics, while also serving the community of Urbana-Champaign through educating those in need about nutrition and serving as a resource. Website — Contact: nutrimpact@gmail.com |
Engineering |
Engineering Open House |
K-12 |
Engineering Open House is an annual student-led event featuring two days of exciting exhibits and captivating competitions that showcase the talent and ingenuity of engineering students at the University of Illinois. The event is open to the public at no cost. Families, students, and community members are invited to come and experience the atmosphere of innovation and creativity.
Website — Contact: eoh@ec.illinois.edu — Articles |
7-8 |
The College of Engineering is partnered with the Chicago Pre-College Science and Engineering (ChiS&E) Program, a non-profit organization focused on preparing inner-city middle school students for college science and engineering programs. As part of the partnership, the ICANEXSEL Outreach Program was launched, in which University of Illinois students facilitate engaging, math and computer programming activities on several Saturdays each semester at the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.
Website — Contact: info@chiprep.org — Articles |
Illinois Engineering Ambassadors |
K-12 |
Illinois Engineering Ambassadors is a professional outreach program sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Programs in the College of Engineering. Our ambassadors serve as role models of engineering to those who are classically underrepresented and underserved in engineering fields. We seek to change the conversation about what it means to be an engineer by focusing on how engineers are positively impacting the health, happiness, and safety of our world.
Website — Contact: ambassadors@engr.illinois.edu |
Engineering Without Borders |
Engineers Without Borders is an international nonprofit organization committed to advancing the quality of life in impoverished countries via socioeconomically and ecologically sustainable engineering projects. Students from all disciplines design and implement these projects.
Website — Contact: naokawa2@illinois.edu— Articles |
Engineering for Social Justice Scholars Program |
The ESJ Scholars Program encourages students to explore the relationship between engineering and social justice, develop a sense of ethical and civic responsibilities in the profession, and transform the culture of engineering to embrace diversity and engage in participatory problem-solving to create a more socially and environmentally just society.
Contact: srosado2@illinois.edu — Articles |
Engineering Outreach Society |
2-4 |
EOS goes to local elementary classrooms (2nd, 3rd, 4th grades) to do fun science projects with kids to teach critical thinking, problem-solving skills, teamwork, as well as get the students interested in science and engineering at an early age. Website — Contact: cjfanni2@illinois.edu |
Grad |
Multicultural Engineering Recruitment for Graduate Education (MERGE) is a diversity recruitment initiative designed to give talented underrepresented students from across the nation an opportunity to visit Illinois early in the application process in order to learn about the opportunities at Illinois.
Website — Contact: engr-merge@illinois.edu — Articles |
Entomology |
Bugscope |
Bugscope is an educational outreach project that was created in 1999 and continues with support from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Staff members in the Beckman Institute's multi-user microscopy suite donate their time to run up to 3 live Bugscope sessions a week. Schools apply online and pay nothing to participate. Once an application is accepted, we will arrange to schedule the date and time of the live interactive session.
Website — Contact: bugscope@beckman.illinois.edu — Articles |
Club Insecta |
Club Insecta does field trips around the state to observe and collect amazing insects, public outreach with insect education and science, and social activities loosely based on insects. Club Insecta is comprised of members studying biology, entomology, engineering, horticulture and other disciplines. Club members all care about insects for combinations of reasons like an interest in their amazing lifestyles and morphology, their use as scientific tools, and as objects of thought to engage the public in thinking about nature or science.
Website — Contact: clubinsecta@gmail.com |
EGSA Entomology Graduate Student Association |
K-12 |
The Entomology Graduate Student Association does a variety of outreach events throughout the year. From science fairs to classroom activities (all ages) to booths at fairs — we do it all! A typical event involves a brief discussion about insect biology followed by a “show and tell” display of a wide variety of insects and other arthropods (see below for a complete list of available species). We can tailor events to meet specific needs of groups; as an example, we’ve previously given insect identification lectures to Girl Scout troops to help them earn their insect badges.
Website — Contact: jcgibso2@illinois.edu |
Pollinatarium |
The University of Illinois Pollinatarium is the first free-standing science center in the nation devoted to flowering plants and their pollinators. Because so much depends on pollination, the UI Pollinatarium is dedicated to increasing awareness and appreciation of pollination as a remarkable ecological partnership and an essential ecosystem service.
Website — Contact: uibees@life.uiuc.edu — Articles |
Genomics |
Genome Day |
K-6 |
Genome Day is an opportunity to educate the community about genomes, genes, DNA, and evolution, held each year at the Orpheum Children’s Science Museum in Champaign. Although primarily for children of grade-school age, all members of the community were welcomed to attend this free event. Exhibits and activities are designed to present energy use and production, environmental, health, and other fundamental research at the IGB in an approachable manner for all ages. In recent years, members of the UIUC chapter of SACNAS (Society Devoted to Advancing Hispanics, Chicanos & Native Americans in Science) have provided bilingual support for the activities.
Website — Articles |
Geology |
Bruce Fouke Research Group |
Bruce Fouke, an Illinois professor in both Geology and Microbiology, took the time to speak with scholar-athletes from the Urbana High School boys’ and girls’ basketball teams at I-STEM’s DNA and Health Day. The purpose of the event was to expose the students, many from underserved populations, to the idea that like many of the Illinois researchers at the event, they too could have a career in STEM.
Website — Contact: fouke@illinois.edu — Articles |
Graduate College Educational Equity Programs |
Community of Scholars (COS) |
Grad |
The Community of Scholars (COS) Campus Visit Program introduces prospective graduate students from populations underrepresented in graduate education to their admitting graduate programs, to prospective graduate students in other units, and to current Illinois graduate students across campus. These interactions over the three day period enable admitted students to gain a stronger sense of the dynamic and diverse community of underrepresented scholars on our campus.
Website — Contact: I-COS@illinois.edu — Articles |
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) |
Grad |
The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) at Illinois brings highly competitive undergraduate students from U.S. populations underrepresented in Illinois graduate programs to campus for a nine-week introduction to graduate study. Participants conduct research under the mentorship of a faculty member in their chosen field of study, explore careers in research, attend workshops, and take part in team activities that prepare them for graduate study. Participants receive a stipend, housing, meals, and academic credit.
Website — Contact: I-SROP@illinois.edu — Articles |
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) |
Grad |
Through a partnership between the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Graduate College, URAP @ Illinois provides advanced graduate students with valuable research assistance and an opportunity to gain important hands-on mentoring experience, guiding and directing an undergraduate apprentice. Through a one-on-one research experience with their graduate student mentor, undergraduate students will have the opportunity to learn what it means to do research, create knowledge, and produce scholarship.
Website — Contact: grad@illinois.edu |
Fall Early Application and Visit Program (ASPIRE) |
Grad |
ASPIRE is an early application and admission decision program that brings prospective underrepresented students to campus in the fall during the application process. Prospective students are given an opportunity to experience the dynamic and diverse community of scholars on the University of Illinois campus and visit with graduate programs of interest. Prior to the visit, students participate in a series of webinars designed to assist them with the early application process and prepare them for their visit to Illinois. After the campus visit, participants are encouraged to submit applications for admission to their graduate program of choice. Early applicants may then be nominated to receive an ASPIRE or other Graduate College fellowships.
Website — Contact: I-ASPIRE@illinois.edu — Articles |
Summer Pre-Doctoral Institute (SPI) |
Grad |
The Summer Pre-Doctoral Institute (SPI) is a nine-week program for incoming graduate students who have accepted their offer of admission to an Illinois program. SPI offers an advanced opportunity to become quickly prepared for the rigors, culture, and expectations of graduate school during the summer prior to the start of their graduate studies. SPI offers an orientation, a series of seminars, and time to work with a research adviser in the student’s academic unit. Participants receive a stipend, housing, meals, and academic credit.
Website — Contact: grad@illinois.edu |
8-12 |
I-STEM's DNA and Health Day exposes students, many from underserved populations, to the idea that they too could have a career in STEM by bringing them to the Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) to learn about DNA and Health via a number of hands-on activities, and giving the students the opportunity to speak with some Illinois researchers.
Website — Contact: i-stem@illinois.edu — Articles |
I-STEM Multidisciplinary Summer Camp |
8-12 |
I-STEM's Multidisciplinary Summer Camp is a two-week program that exposes students, many from underserved populations, to a wide array of STEM fields. In doing so, I-STEM’s goals are to help participants choose their career and educational goals, build teamwork and lab skills in different STEM disciplines, and better understand what a STEM research experience looks like.
Website — Contact: i-stem@illinois.edu — Articles |
I-STEM Summer Research Experience |
8-12 |
The I-STEM Summer Research Experience gives summer research opportunities to high school students. By allowing high school students to participate in an authentic research experience, I-STEM strives to help students decide whether or not a STEM career would be a good fit for them. The overall goal of the experience is to increase the number of students that choose STEM careers.
Website — Contact: i-stem@illinois.edu — Articles |
Integrative Biology |
Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (GEEB) |
Graduate Students in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (GEEB) serves to coordinate and unify the many graduate students conducting research in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including students interested in natural resources, wildlife management, modeling, conservation biology, and related fields.
Website — Contact: geeb@life.illinois.edu |
Material Science and Engineering |
MakerGirl |
K-6 |
MakerGirl sessions are for girls aged 7-10 years and are led by university STEM women. All sessions inspire girls to be creative and technical through 3D printing and other cutting edge technologies. Girls practice design thinking while designing and printing an object, and they learn about women leaders in STEM and innovative companies.
Website — Contact: INFO@MAKERGIRL.US — Articles |
Mathematics |
Association of Women in Math (AWM) |
The chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) at Illinois provides a relaxed and supportive environment in which women in the Department of Mathematics can interact at mathematical and social events. In particular, through engaging outreach activities, AWM encourages girls to be excited about math and science. .
Website — Contact: cmonica2@illinois.edu — Articles |
Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) |
6-9 |
Illinois’ AWM Student Chapter holds a series of Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) workshops for 6th-9th grade girls every spring. Over the course of four consecutive Saturday afternoons, participants learn about several of the ways that math plays a role in their daily lives. These fun-filled workshops are self-contained, so students may register for as many sessions as they wish. Website — Contact: eheath3@illinois.edu — Articles |
Illinois Geometry Lab |
K-12 |
The IGL travels to local elementary and middle school competitions to set up displays, hosts K-12 classes for interactive learning activities, and organizes Saturday workshops. The IGL's annual Summer Illinois Math camp is a week-long day camp for high school students, taught by graduate and undergraduate students, which focuses on advanced mathematical topics.
Website — Contact: igl@math.uiuc.edu — Articles |
Math Carnival: Gathering for Gardner |
Gathering for Gardner is a fun-filled day packed with hands-on activites, demonstrations, games, puzzles, refreshments, and mathematical prizes for participants. It hosts activites for members of the public of all ages.
Website — Contact: lanius2@illinois.edu — Articles |
Summer Illinois Math Camp (SIM) |
8-12 |
Summer Illinois Math (SIM) Camp is a free, week-long math day camp for middle and high school students hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Mathematics. Campers will see the creative, discovery driven side of mathematics. By showing them some of the ways mathematicians approach problems, SIM Camp hopes to encourage them to continue studying math beyond the high school level.
Website — Contact: math-simcamp@illinois.edu |
Sonia Math Day |
8-12 |
This will be the tenth Sonia Math Day for 8th-12th grade girls hosted by the University of Illinois Student Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). Throughout this fun-filled day, participants will explore Knot Theory through a series of hands-on activities. The AWM will also provide pizza, t-shirts, and mathematical prizes for participants!
Website — Contact: dn2@illinois.edu |
Mechanical Science & Engineering |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers is an international organization that focuses on technical, educational and research issues. With over 125,000 members worldwide, it has many benefits and events for both students and professional engineers. As the University of Illinois student section it is our goal to host student-oriented programs which extend the learning experience at the university.
Website — Contact: ASME.MechSE@gmail.com |
Bahl Research Group |
The Bahl Research Group actively develops innovative hands-on learning activities on sensors and optics, targeted towards K-12 students. We involve our graduate and undergraduate students in these efforts. Some of our outreach venues include: The University of Illinois Laboratory High School (Urbana, IL), Unit-4 Schools (Champaign, IL), Girls' Building Awesome Machines (G-BAM) at UIUC,
Campus Middle School for Girls (CMS) (Urbana, IL)
Website — Contact: bahl@illinois.edu — Articles |
Engineers Volunteering in STEM EducatION (ENVISION) |
The mission of ENVISION is to increase the opportunity of STEM outreach for engineering graduate students at the University of Illinois. The organization seeks to promote leadership, communication, and teaching skills. ENVISION strives to encourage personal connections amongst the students in the Graduate College of Engineering. Furthermore, ENVISION seeks to partner with professors who are looking to expand their outreach. ENVISION is always looking for new opportunities to volunteer, partner with other groups, and recruit new members!
Website — Contact: aaarmst2@illinois.edu — Articles |
MechSE Education Outreach |
Joe Muskin is MechSE's Education Coordinator and has facilitated countless events that have helped to recruit students into engineering, STEM, and to Illinois. Notable examples include teaming up with ECE grad student Kitt Peterson to develop a curriculum that introduces rapid prototyping to sixth graders at Jefferson, Franklin, and Edison Middle Schools in 2016 and, in 2017, a POETS RET-developed curriculum involving local 8th graders from Uni High in Urbana and Next Generation School in Champaign learning how to build solar cars.
Website — Contact: jmuskin@illinois.edu — Articles |
Paper2Tree |
Paper2Tree, developed by Mechanical Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Mattia Gazzola, is a practical way for those in academia to not just take, but to give back by planting real trees to replace the ones destroyed while practicing their profession and working with schools to expose more youngsters to STEM.
Website — Contact: mgazzola@illinois.edu — Articles |
Pi Tau Sigma |
Pi Tau Sigma is organized to foster the high ideals of the engineering profession,
stimulate interest in coordinating departmental activities,
promote the professional welfare of its members,
develop mechanical engineering students with the attributes necessary for effective leadership, and
cultivate a strong notion of the responsibilities of a citizen in society. Past events include developing and sponsoring a mechanical engineering tutoring program for undergraduate students, and developing an after-school club at a local middle school to provide encouragement of interest in math, science, and engineering through hands-on projects.
Website — Contact: ptsillinoisalpha@gmail.com — Articles |
The Renewable Energy & Turbulent Environment Group (RE-TE-G) believes that transferring cutting edge knowledge from research to the general public is a critical task. This group is actively involved in outreach activities, including K-12 education, science fairs, and workforce development. Graduate student Nick Tobin and Prof. Chamorro participated in the ‘2nd annual K-12 teachers clean energy workshop’, National Sequestration Education Center, Richland Community College and explained concepts related to wind farm (layout) design through innovative and customizable setup. Additionally, RE-TE-G graduate students participated in the first MechSE G-BAM (Girls Building Awesome Machines) program at the G.A.M.E.S. Camp summer 2013.
Website — Contact: lpchamo@illinois.edu — Articles |
Rheology Zoo |
Assistant Professor Randy Ewoldt of Illinois' Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering is an expert in fluid mechanics, particularly rheology. Bringing it down to a level most folks could understand, he defines it as: "the study of how things squish and deform when you push on them." To ensure that his educational efforts include a hands-on dimension, Ewoldt has assembled a "Rheology Zoo," a wild and wonderful assortment of non-Newtonian fluids.
Website — Contact: ewoldt@illinois.edu — Articles |
Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Chung Lab |
Chung lab sponsors a “Build a Neuron” lab booth at Neuroscience’s "Brain Awareness Day" held at Orpheum Museum. At the booth, local K–12 students learn about a neuron from the interactive poster and computer. Additionally, Prof. Chung organized "Neuroweek," a week-long event in March 2013 at a local preschool and kindergarten. Prof. Chung gave short lectures on “Central Nervous System and Neurons” to 5 preschool classes (containing 4-5 yr old students) and in the science class for a kindergarten class (containing 6-7 yr old students) in simplified language. These lectures were followed by the active engagement of the students in craft activities related to the brain, senses, neuronal morphology, and action potentials. Also, as part of the "Mentor for Kids" organization, about K-12 students in under-served /economically disadvantaged neighborhoods have visited Chung lab to learn about the nervous system and engage in microscopy. Website — Contact: chunghj@illinois.edu |
MCBees |
MCBees is a Graduate Student Associate (GSA) for Molecular and Cellular Biology Grad students. Their goal is to become a source of support for graduate students, especially incoming first-years; to help MCB with recruitment; to foster relationship-building among grad students via social activities; and to do outreach.
Website — Contact:
— Articles |
Physics |
Physics Van |
The Physics Van performs and explains exciting physics demonstrations to show audiences that science is fun and worthwhile for people who wonder about why the world acts the way it does. The Van challenges kids' mental picture of what kind of people scientists are and shows them that as long as you want to learn and have fun, there's a world of physics waiting to be discovered. The Van travels to elementary schools in Champaign-Urbana, IL and the surrounding area. Website — Contact: physvan@physics.illinois.edu — Articles |
Physics Young Scholars Program |
Physics Young Scholars program welcomes high school students from the Urbana-Champaign area to explore exciting careers in scientific research. The summer program help students better understand how we ask and answer questions in science. Embedded in research laboratories in Physics and Mechanical Science and Engineering, they will shadow undergraduate or graduate student researchers during the six-week program. The Scholars will also make measurements and analyze results as part of the work in their research group. The capstone activity will be an end of the program poster session where the students will present their work to their peers, research mentors, teachers, and parents. The student researchers who act as mentors for the high school students and will be trained in a mentoring workshop held prior to the main program. Special programming will be provided for the high school students, including discussions of college applications and financial aid, college life, poster preparation, as well as a range of research talks by the mentors Website — Contact:
— Articles |
Robotics |
iRobotics |
Community outreach is one of the core principals at iRobotics. The organization believes it is their duty to spread their love and knowledge about engineering and robotics in communities, especially to young children. iRobotics often holds engineering activities at local middle schools to encourage STEM skills while learning to think like engineers. iRobotics creates challenge-based activities that foster team work and “out of the box” thinking to complete the challenges. To give an example, in on activity the students worked in groups to create a boat out of different types of paper that could hold the most mass without sinking in water. iRobotics also hold robot demonstrations at schools and other STEM events to get students interested in robotics.
Website — Contact: irobotics.illinois@gmail.com |
Illinois FIRST |
K-12 |
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 to inspire young people's interest and participation in science and technology. Based in Manchester, NH, this not-for-profit public organization designs accessible, innovative programs that motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math, while gaining self-confidence, knowledge, and life skills. FIRST's Progression of Programs consists of four programs - Jr.LEGO (Jr.FLL), LEGO (FLL), FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) and FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). The programs vary by age and challenge so that learning never stops building upon itself. Starting at age 6 and continuing through middle and high-school levels up to age 18, young people can participate at any level.
Website — Contact: contact@firstillinoisrobotics.org
— Articles |
Vet Med |
Vet Med Open House |
Every October, more than 300 veterinary students will host the annual College of Veterinary Medicine Open House. There will be more than 40 exhibits and demos, and lots of animals to see. This event is free and open to the public.
Website — Articles |
Vet Med Student Outreach Program |
The Veterinary Student Outreach Program (VSOP) is a student organization that enhances the relationship between the College of Veterinary Medicine and the community through educational programming and outreach activities. VSOP offers a variety of "ready-made" programs for all ages or can tailor materials to meet your specific needs.
Website — Contact: